#8: The meaning of the Number 40 ... and other things explained!

The significance of the number 40, the three levels of heaven, and sitting at the right hand of God are all explained in this episode.

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Find out about Cyndi's upcoming Pilgrimage to the Holy Land February 13 - 25, 2020:

On her website @ www.CyndiPeterson.com or contact Jim Benzow at Trinity Pilgrimages at trinitypilgrimage@Cox.net or call 602-319-5289.

To learn more about Cyndi visit www.CyndiPeterson.com. Follow me on Twitter and Instagram @cyndimpeterson

Purchase Cyndi's book, Waiting for a Miracle: One Mother's Journey to Unshakable Faith, on Amazon.com or where ever books are sold.

All questions and comments can be sent to TheCyndiPetersonShow@gmail.com

Cyndi Peterson